
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Yellow Forest Floor

It happens every year about this time. I anticipate what it’s going to be. Something good happens to me every fall. I’ve noticed this since I was a freshman in high school, I think.
The crisp air and slight yellowing of the leaves whisper that something’s coming. Last week, I heard the voices more clearly when Bud and I were riding motorcycle in the hills close to our home. The vividly green trees still spoke of summer, but the floor of the forest was spotted with yellow; it was inviting us into something new. I felt like it was asking me to follow it – to follow the yellow forest floor into a season of change.
Dorothy and her tag-along misfit friends the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion followed the yellow brick road because they each wanted change. Dorothy, who before arriving to the Land of Oz, was dreaming of a better world “somewhere over the rainbow”, now just wanted to go home. The Scarecrow wanted a brain, the Tin Man wanted a heart, and the Cowardly Lion sought courage.
What changes do I need?
First, this Dorothy needs discipline to take care of this needy body of mine. It cries out for constant stretching and needs regular cardio and resistance work. It just seems silly that these bodies of ours demand so many maintenance hours to function well – the time could be spent in so many other self-indulgent ways, after all– but, we must go along with it.
Second, I, like the Scarecrow and the Tin Man, need to accept the limitations inherent in living in a high-maintenance body. The Tin Man constantly needed oil; the Scarecrow often lost his stuffing and had to deal with being highly flammable, the poor guy. I am learning to accept the limitations chronic pain doles out. Accepting one’s limitations means no longer living the way you think you should be able to, given the circumstances; instead, living the way you can, given the circumstances, and dare I say on few days, even thrive. I am being tutored in coping skills. The resulting change that will come from applying them will open the cage I’ve been living in enough for one more leg and an arm to wriggle out.
The Cowardly Lion and I have a lot in common. I’d walk the yellow brick road from here to Oz if it meant at the end the Wizard would vacuum out my fear like liposuction.  The third change, and the one I need most, is to trust God….a little more than I do right now. How do I go about doing this? I have no clue. I’m starting with cracking open the Bible a bit more, stepping foot in church a bit more, talking to Him a bit more. All in the name of being reminded Who I can trust. I need a stronger footing that can hold a heart that loves deeply; genuinely, and that doesn’t need to grasp for security.
You see, it would be a shame to walk the yellow brick road in uncomfortable ruby slippers, facing Herculean difficulties all the way, and reach the end to find you’d been duped by a short, frumpy guy behind a curtain who has been claiming he can give you everything you want.
It seems the better choice is follow the yellow forest floor in well-worn hiking boots, or black riding boots, whichever fits better, to a season of change; change that brings something really good; something you and I can really count on.
What changes do you need?---alg

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