
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Moving Day

Wednesday was moving day. I packed up my collection of muddled words and moved them to Wordpress.
You should have been there.
While attempting to re-format my Blogger page, I blew a gasket.
I marched my laptop down to Bud and used my normal I’ve-reached-my-limit-with-any-technology-that-takes-more-than-five-minutes-to-figure-out voice “Fix this dreadful thing!!”
I nervously hovered over him, pacing within a five-foot circle, puffing chocolate wrappers. When things weren’t looking good, I revealed my secret wish: I really want to go back to Wordpress.
He continued quietly working, while I ran upstairs for more chocolate.
I came back downstairs and began stretching my hamstrings while unwrapping a Dove when he said “I’m just about there, honey”.
“Just about where?”
“Come look.”
I glanced at the screen while he paged down. Before my own eyes I saw blogs – recent blogs- uploaded into Wordpress.  “Aggh!!  I love you!,” I sounded through a mouth full of chocolate.
There you have it. Twelve chocolates and a savvy husband paved the way to a new look and a happier blogger. So, from now on, find me here:
Thank you, my faithful readers, for not giving up on me while I figure out what this blog thing is all about.  Many of you have visited my page, more have even read a few words, and then there are those to whom I owe my life: you who read to the very end and COMMENTED! What you may not know is that bloggers are very needy, self-conscious, self-doubting people. We become hopelessly addicted to our stats; with every new hit we gain hope that maybe, just maybe, there is reason to write one more blog.
My blogs thus far have contained many dark, questioning, wrestling kind of thoughts. I feel as though I’m entering a bit of a new season; lifted spirits, renewed hope. I pray this refreshment seeps through my stumbling words and finds its way to you in 2012.
With bloggy gratitude,

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